Think Tank - Ideas to Grow Your Business

What Are Backlinks And How They Can Grow Your Business

Episode Summary

Backlinks are the number one factor when it comes to Google's ranking. In fact, what most SEO companies do is only backlinks. But you have got to be careful. because bad backlinks can drag you down. Listen to this episode to learn more about the force that is ranking the internet.

Episode Notes

This episode is a summery about Backlinking. Backlinking are the force which drives Google's ranking. It is basically how many times your site appears on other sites. How other sites validates yours. But you most be careful. It's not only a numbers game.  Spam links can drives your ranking down drastically. Do not believe every wolf on the internet, that is promising you SEO services for $50. Just like any other relationship, backlinks should be managed with care. 

Episode Transcription

Whether you're a small, medium or large business, you must adhere to the modern marketing methods. I think an idea provides insights into marketing techniques that work for today's businesses, as well as consumers alike. Learn about the best methods of business development for today's marketplace, internet marketing, utilizing social media, in business marketing, put on your thinking cap as you enter the thing. You talk

about that links a little bit. What is a backlink? What does that mean?

Yeah, so a backlink is just like, you know, if you were to create a Facebook business page with a URL and a link, and that has relative content to your keywords, then that's going to help raise up your domain. It's almost like you know superheroes like on Marvel or DC Comics. It's like if, if you hold hands with, you know, Wonder Woman, you're going to get powers. And backlinks are kind of like holding hands with somebody that's going to raise up your website. But it's just like, I would say, probably the law of influence. You know, when you have good people around you, it raises you up. When you have bad people around you, it kind of pulls you down a website's the same way. So if you're connected to let's just say, like a Facebook and a really cool LinkedIn presentation, and you're on Pinterest, and you're on some of these high domain authority sites, or someone's Instagram, exactly. It's going to bring your, you know, your Google ranking factors up higher having social media links on your website, having Google Maps links on your website, it all sends a signal to Google saying this site is relevant. There's some people that take the cheap route. And they said, Well, I'm just going to hire somebody for $50 because I don't want to afford it, and they get what we call spamela And I just talked to a customer the other day, who had an SEO guy. And when we put up the links, it was like Russian sites, Chinese sites. The guy does, like, let's say the guy does roofing, but he was showing up on accounting websites, which have nothing to do with roofing. Right. So what happened in the last 12 weeks, he lost 70% of his traffic, probably from spam links, and Google penalties. things he saved money.

But you probably when you when working with a company is, you know, initially cleaning up those links and right and doing a bit of,

you know, they caught a disavow. And we can actually go into the cPanel and ht access, and we could actually disavow those links and disconnect them. Yeah, so the cleanup is cutting the ties. Yeah. So this is a typical report for our clients. I think the biggest fear for a lot of people that are actually hiring someone to do SEO, is they have no transparency. They have no idea what the person is doing. Just even as of last week, I talked to somebody paying somebody $5,000 a month, and they have no report.

And they know they don't have much to show for it. Right,

exactly. So we like to be really transparent with people so they know exactly what they're getting says what we're doing every month for this one client. You know, we're building out 703 links per month. And it goes everything from social bookmarking to social media optimization, classified videos, search engines, image sharing, articles, press releases, blogs, different podcasts, business citations, and then document sharing. Okay, so what happens is when they go into this report that shows like where the client started, so like for this one here, that we're number 52, these are keywords. These are for keywords that we're focused on right here, you can see the baseline ranking says we want to have a reference factor of like when we started, and then how do you how do you measure the progress if you have no reference,

right when we're looking at let's say number 52? Yeah. does that actually mean that You know, Google list of search results, there are a number of 52.

Yeah, they were number 52 for non surgical eyelid lift, for example. And that would be like the six page.

No one's gonna look through that.

Yeah, nobody goes past the first page,

right? Absolutely. Getting those numbers lower.

Exactly is actually can, if you look over here, even just after, you know, two, two and a half months, we have them on the first page of Google, right and position 10. Yeah, so that's great movement, we usually don't tell people it's going to happen that quickly. But if there's not a lot of activity, then we know that by building these links, and actually doing all the necessary factors that we can get the improvement, and most of their keywords are all moving up. What they say there's actually some, you know, good materials on Google, they say that you really should have a good one to two year strategy. When it comes to SEO. You shouldn't like you know, it's like planting a flower in the garden. You shouldn't

expect it to grow overnight,

right? And if it doesn't grow overnight, you don't jump up and down and like get a hammer and Right, they did nothing and get upset patients on an on like week two, right? So for example, if we go to Tumblr, you can see that some of these URLs are very specific to, like this URL here is very specific to the keywords. And then we're building out all these before and after shots with the phone number. And I mean for somebody and sit in an office and do all these things. It would take them forever. I mean, that's just one link. So we're building all these micro sites, and Tumblr has a high domain authority. So we know that you know, that's, that's going to be beneficial. I'll show you a couple of other ones, too, like this one here is Google bookmarks. So we use all high domain authority sites. But I mean, these are all links, we provide the username and the password. And that's social bookmarking. If we go to classified ads, we're building out classified ads again, all these countries. been to the ranking factors.

Just for one client

one client Exactly. If we go to SMS submissions we build out aeleus social medias that aren't official to send social signals back and drive drive those up.

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